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Boots, Lace, & Pearls Gala updates....and a chance to win a 2024 Chevy Silverado!
Saturday, 02 March 2024
We are just 28 days away from the Boots, Lace, & Pearls Gala to benefit the H.O.T. Emergency Responder Assistance Foundation. A portion of the proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to the Smith Family to support their daughters, Destiny and Amanda, who are battling Neurofibromatosis.
Please remember to get your tickets, or consider a sponsorship for your business! We would also welcome you to share this information with anyone in the community who might be interested in contribut...

2024 Boots, Lace, and Pearls Gala
Thursday, 11 January 2024
The Waco Police Association is teaming up with emergency responders in the Heart of Texas region to host the second annual Boots, Lace & Pearls Gala. Our aim is to honor and acknowledge the exceptional emergency responders who serve Central Texas. This event supports the emergency responder assistance fund, which helps police officers, firefighters, EMTs, other first responders, and their families in times of need.
We encourage you to show your support for our local heroes by joining ...

Honoring American Heroes, Past and Present
Friday, 21 January 2022
Law enforcement officers are people like you and me who want to make a difference. Serving the communities that we all share is just a part of what these humble heroes do. Standing up for those who can not stand up for themselves is just in their blood. Despite the dangers, they proudly put on their uniforms and badges every day, for us. National Peace Officer’s Memorial Day has become a day for us to unite as a community and to honor those who have given their lives to protect us, our famili...